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6 Axis Robot Welding Application

6 Axis Robot Welding Application

Review Date 12/05/2013 By

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Rectangular Robot P P P
Cartesian (gantry) Robot P P P
Cylindrical Robot R P P
Spherical (Polar) Robot R R P
Articulated  Robot R R R
R = Revolute, P = Prismatic


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 Type Of Industrial Robot

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  9. 125021
    camfree 13/01/2025 23:59
    In the early 1590s, the English playwright Thomas Nashe wrote a poem recognized as The Choise of Valentines, Nashe's Dildo or

    The Merrie Ballad of Nashe his Dildo. Dildoides: A

    Burlesque Poem (London, 1706), attributed to Samuel Butler,

    is a mock lament to a selection of dildos that experienced been seized and publicly burnt by the authorities.

    In Japan, many dildos are designed to resemble animals or cartoon figures, this kind of as Hello

    Kitty, rabbits or dolphins, so that they could be bought as toys, therefore averting obscenity guidelines.

    Dildos also appeared in 17th and 18th century Japan, in shunga.

    The time period "unnatural sexual act" referred to any intercourse other than vaginal heterosexual

    intercourse, and this prohibition was ostensibly aimed at avoiding the use of dildos by lesbians.

    Taylor, T. 1996. The Prehistory of Sex. In 1999, William

    H. Pryor, Jr., an assistant attorney basic in Alabama commenting on a scenario involving sexual intercourse toys and talking about to what

    close the equipment are utilised, was quoted as saying

    there is no "essential suitable for a particular person to invest in a product to make orgasm".
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